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Following the legacy of Lord Robert Baden-Powell of Gilwell in October 1953, it was founded in Switzerland as a result of the resolutions formulated at the World Conferences of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). an international platform for adults who no longer actively participated in youth movements, but who still wanted to continue basing their lives on the principles and values ​​of Scouting and Guiding, and for those who did not have the opportunity to be Scouts or Guides when they were children . Representatives from eighteen countries joined this new organization and its first Vice-President was Lord Peter Baden-Powell, son of the Founder and Lady Olave Baden-Powell, the World Chief of the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

Thus, the now known International Scout and Guide Friendship (ISGF, AISG French and Spanish) was born, a worldwide organization for adults in support of Scouting and Guiding and who wish to strengthen intercultural dialogue through social projects around the world.

Currently the global organization for adults is represented in more than one hundred countries and is expanding. In 2013, thousands of adult Scouts and Guides from around the world celebrated their 60th Anniversary by developing service projects for the benefit of their communities.

ISGF-AISG is currently present in 106 countries, through 67 national organizations and 39 countries where there is representation with members (individuals or groups) of the Central Branch.

In Curaçao, "Copernicia" was founded in 1985 with the purpose of supporting Scouting and Guiding, and being a place to meet friends and perform new services together and undertake exciting adventures.

Below we invite you to see some images of the 28th ISGF-AISG World Conference that took place in Bali, Indonesia in October 2017. The next World Conference of Adult Scout and Guides will be held in Madrid in 2020.

You can read more about our worldwide organization - ISGF-AISG - in our section dedicated to 'TRAINING'.